Dinty Plz Blay Dm Beef Stew

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  • #1

Anybody else love this shit? I love this shit. Everybody stocking up on canned foods right now cause of the pandemic. Well I go to the canned section and most shit is gone. But I find THIS can. A big one. Like 4.5 servings. And I remember loving this shit.

I'm busting it open when I get home. Gonna eat that whole damn can. And man, I'm looking forward to it. Like giddy at my work desk. I want some fucking beef stew.

This is now a Dinty Moore Beef Stew / other canned foods that ERA enjoys topic.

  • #2
I always loved it growing up. I don't buy it anymore, but I imagine I'd still eat it.

I also love SPAM.

  • #3
I've got some in the cupboard right now. Always a good mainstay for times like this.
  • #4
I'll take any excuse I can get to crack open a can of vienna sausages or potted meat without being shamed for it. My dad raised me on that shit.
  • #5
I love it as a quick stew fix. Slap that shit on some egg noodles and I'm good.
  • #6
I approve.

Also a fan of the Hormel Chili.

Seraphis Cain
  • #7
It's mostly grease, but I'll be damned if it isn't delicious.
I'll take any excuse I can get to crack open a can of vienna sausages or potted meat without being shamed for it. My dad raised me on that shit.

Same, but replace potted meat with deviled ham.
Princess Viola
  • #8
that's my go-to canned stew
  • #9
Dinty Moore over pasta is high class living.
  • #10
My dad ate this all the time growing up and I've literally never tried it. My dad is a very picky eater (I just learned he's never eaten spaghetti) so a lot of times we'd have one thing for dinner and he'd eat this.
Marcellus Wallace
  • #12
I've only had it in those little plastic containers that are like a single serving with mashed potatoes. STUPID good considering it's..... premade food stored at room temperature in a plastic container...
  • #13
I can't hack it. Doesn't help that every time I briefly glance at that brand I read it as "Dirty Moore". LOL. They need to change their brand name. And that picture on the can.
  • #14
I've always been more of a Chicken and Dumplings guy. The Beef Stew is no slouch though.
  • #15
My father-in-law loves this stuff. I'll pick some up on my next supply run.
  • #16
My friend used to love this. Isn't it really salty?
  • #17
i love it

bread and milk in addition

  • #18
I thought this was a Vinesauce reference before I clicked.
  • #19
I ate this everyday for breakfast monday-friday for a good 5 years when I first started my career. Nothing like a hearty beef stew to start the day. Still love it to this day, just don't eat it as often

It was always fun to get coworkers reaction when you dumped the whole can upside down into a bowl and it briefly retained the cans shape. They could hate all they wanted, I knew the goodness the dogfood slop looking stuff actually contained.

  • #21
Yeah that's my shit right there. Also stocking up on potted meat
  • #22
Dinty Moore beef stew and a grilled cheese sandwich is ultimate comfort food.
  • #23
They changed the meat. Big downgrade, do not like.
  • #24
Love beef stew, can't stand the Dinty Moore stew
  • #25
I love beef stew but the broth always comes back up in a halfhearted barfy kind of way.

Same with spaghettios.

Jack Bauer
  • #27

Anybody else love this shit? I love this shit. Everybody stocking up on canned foods right now cause of the pandemic. Well I go to the canned section and most shit is gone. But I find THIS can. A big one. Like 4.5 servings. And I remember loving this shit.

I'm busting it open when I get home. Gonna eat that whole damn can. And man, I'm looking forward to it. Like giddy at my work desk. I want some fucking beef stew.

This is now a Dinty Moore Beef Stew / other canned foods that ERA enjoys topic.

My wife's family is all about the Dinty. I'd never heard of it until recently.
  • #28
I noticed if I buy this from Walmart the meat is like ground beef with gravy. If I buy the same can but for a dollar or two more at Kroger or some other more expensive place it actually looks like on the can.
  • #29
only ever had it when we went camping and i always remember it being insanely good and a little weird

that was very long ago though

  • #30
Dinty moore is really good, I like the meatball stew version too. Heating in it a pot is also better than microwaving it, makes it taste better to me lol.

This and spam are my faves.

  • #31
I noticed if I buy this from Walmart the meat is like ground beef with gravy. If I buy the same can but for a dollar or two more at Kroger or some other more expensive place it actually looks like on the can.

I absolutely hate generic/store brand canned food. Great Value, Kroger, etc canned foods are nasty as shit. Sometimes my wife will pick it up because there are always great deals but they literally just sit in the pantry because no one wants to eat that nasty shit.

I do like a lot of canned foods tho. Ive never heard of this Beef Stew in the OP and it looks amazing lol. Gonna be giving it a try ASAP

The Albatross
  • #32
Loved this shit growing up. Had it at my grandmother's like once a week.
  • #33
It's mostly grease, but I'll be damned if it isn't delicious.

Same, but replace potted meat with deviled ham.

Oh yeah, that's good shit too.
  • #34
My mom would make beef stew from scratch, really tasty. I've never had the canned version.
  • #35
I always loved it growing up. I don't buy it anymore, but I imagine I'd still eat it.

I also love SPAM.

Ooh, I like spam too. Reminds me of the meat we ate growing up poor in Eastern Europe under communism. I should make it Hawaii style with egg and rice.
  • #36

Anybody else love this shit? I love this shit. Everybody stocking up on canned foods right now cause of the pandemic. Well I go to the canned section and most shit is gone. But I find THIS can. A big one. Like 4.5 servings. And I remember loving this shit.

I'm busting it open when I get home. Gonna eat that whole damn can. And man, I'm looking forward to it. Like giddy at my work desk. I want some fucking beef stew.

This is now a Dinty Moore Beef Stew / other canned foods that ERA enjoys topic.

It gets the job done.
  • #37
Only ever ate it while camping with Boy Scouts, but it's really good for a canned beef stew.

usually I make my own beef stew, or beef bourguignon which is like beef stew's French cousin.

  • #38
Oh man, what's the sodium % DV in that can

EDIT: the can has 2.5 grams of salt, 100% of your daily value. Yikes

Last edited:
  • #39
Back when the food actually looked like what was one the can, sure. Now that shit looks like dog food.
  • #40
the taste of Dinty Moore, like top ramen, always depended on how much money i had in my account in college lol. The less money I had the more delicious it became. I havent had it in years though. Id eat it again.
Officer Big Mac
  • #41
Too much salt. Mmmm preservatives.
The Iron Yuppie
  • #42
My friend used to love this. Isn't it really salty?

Fuck yea it is! It's a giant, delicious serving of heart attack in a can.
  • #43

Anybody else love this shit? I love this shit. Everybody stocking up on canned foods right now cause of the pandemic. Well I go to the canned section and most shit is gone. But I find THIS can. A big one. Like 4.5 servings. And I remember loving this shit.

I'm busting it open when I get home. Gonna eat that whole damn can. And man, I'm looking forward to it. Like giddy at my work desk. I want some fucking beef stew.

This is now a Dinty Moore Beef Stew / other canned foods that ERA enjoys topic.

I haven't been able to find any you lucky bastard
  • #44
Coincidentally Mr Dinty Moore Beef Stew was the name of the character I played in the Fifty Shades Of Grey film.
  • #45
I love it, I love making it even more.

Babish has a good version.


Source: https://www.resetera.com/threads/dinty-moore-beef-stew.177547/

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